Katherine Watts | SA Home Loans


31 Oct 2011

Katherine Watts

What a surprise when friends decided to sell their house- a house wed been to, a house we really liked and house we knew we could turn into a home for us and our future family! Surprise was followed by the fear that I would be unable to obtain a home loan. Being a commission earner and first time buyer as well as the sale being private, I had a million and one questions and worries when I visited Kenneth Hanna at the Cascades Branch. He answered each and every question thoroughly, reassured me and gave me the support I needed to make my application. I then settled in for a long and nerve-wracking wait which didnt happen! Within a few days of submitting my documents Kenneth phoned me to say the bond had been approved. We were over the moon. From there everything went smoothly and Im now a home owner- a real dream come true!

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